About the Author

A very old (c. 1896) and well-loved boxed set of the complete works of William Shakespeare, which once belonged to her great grandmother, graces Laudea's overstuffed bookshelves. It was Laudea's determination to read all of them one summer that sparked her interest in the richness of Shakespeare's written words.
Laudea (pronounced: LAH-dee-ah) has also long been a fan of all kinds of
animals, and could spend hours simply watching them be. Each new line
discovered while creating her illustrations deepens Laudea's understanding of the myriad ways in which animals move and live.
Laudea loves experimenting with new art techniques, and her favorite pieces of art are those that make you want to reach out and touch them. Laudea occupies most of her time creating art, thinking about art, or reading.
Laudea lives in Portland, Oregon.
Laudea (pronounced: LAH-dee-ah) has also long been a fan of all kinds of
animals, and could spend hours simply watching them be. Each new line
discovered while creating her illustrations deepens Laudea's understanding of the myriad ways in which animals move and live.
Laudea loves experimenting with new art techniques, and her favorite pieces of art are those that make you want to reach out and touch them. Laudea occupies most of her time creating art, thinking about art, or reading.
Laudea lives in Portland, Oregon.